Montag, 28. April 2014

How will my utopia be structured and how will it make decisions ?

So now I will write about how the government of my utopia will be structured and how in generell will my utopia work and who will prevail it. So in my utopia I will have a democracy. In each country there will be governments who work all together and not just for themselves and for their country. They will try to do the best for people in their country but each country will also help any other country who has problems or is stuck in any other bad situation. There will be also presidents in each country who will work also together for the world. Each government with their president will put in order everything and bring the already discussed things, with the organization for a “ perfect “ world, in their states to reality. This will function with an organization - as I called it in my sentence before - for the “perfect“ world. This organization will be above all presidents which will regulate and control every country and what there happens and if everything is alright and the population is satisfied. The decisions for example how to reach the goals, which are given from the organization for a “perfect“ world, would make the governments with the population. Which goals, will decide the organization.


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